• Mika awoke to the smell of bacon and burnt toast. She yawned loudly and looked at the clock. 9:14. After pressing the snooze button several times, she found it impossible to get in a comfortable position and rolled off the bed. She yawned again. I was so nervous about my date with Joey i couldn't sleep, she thought. But then again, i never was a morning person. She changed from her soft wool sweatpants and T-shirt to the outfit that had been carefully laid out and picked by her yesterday. It was the perfect outfit for the outdoors Italian restaurant her and Joey were going to: a normal black t-shirt, accented by layers of chunky green necklaces, a not-too-short green skirt, and green and black knee-length socks with the perfect pair of white tennis shoes. Obviously, her favourite color was green, and she'd been able to make an outfit that showed it. Perfect, Mika thought. Now, i have an hour until i drive to the restaurant and meet Joey. Joey didn't pick the best restaurant, even if it had the best food in the country. It was a two-hour drive to get there and the food prices were laughable. So what, thought Mika. Joey is so cute and he's always nice to me. Mika's worrysome thoughts were interrupted by her father and mother yelling in unison: "Mikaaa! Breakfast's readyyy!". Mika shouted back "Okay! I'm coming down!". As she ran down the stairs and sat down quickly, her father plopped a dry-looking piece of burnt toast on her plate and gave her a sheepish look while her mother handed her the platter of eggs, bacon and hashbrowns. Only an hour till the date, Mika thought. Only an hour....